Blog Overview


Tristan Lee

Every now and then, while researching something new, I'll find a blog post written by someone who has undertaken a similar learning journey. Graciously, they've shared their experience and insights. These posts are well crafted and tend to be pleasant to read, but they still manage to inform and educate the reader. Articles like these often provide me with a sense of reassurance, as if someone else has walked the same path and dropped markers to guide the way. I frequently find myself inspired by these resources to keep pursuing a topic, igniting a new curiosity or an appreciation for the subject. A comprehensive blog post feels like that rare find in a thrift store — that one you're always on the lookout for. The purpose of this blog is to try and recreate that atmosphere. I want to share my learning with the hope that it might inspire someone else, that one of my posts could be those jeans they were on the hunt for.

What Will Posts Be About?

The idea is to write a blog post for each topic I learn about. Ideally I've learned enough about the topic such that I can adequately explain the material to an audience with little to no prior knowledge of the subject. Each post will include images, code, source files, hardware, data, videos, papers, and other blog posts that I used to research the topic myself and are useful for understanding the content of the post or further research. When necessary I'd like to include interactive plots in using d3.js to help visualize data.

My posts won't always be technical, and despite what I said previously, they won't always be about learning. As of right now, I envision these kinds of posts as an off-beat occurrence. Although, I won't count them out too much, because I think that it's fun to reminisce about personal experience, random musings, or a new obscure fixation. These posts will serve as a change of pace, a reminder that it's healthy to take a break and enjoy the quirky nuances of everyday life that often get overlooked in our pursuit of knowledge and expertise.


At some point I'll implement a way to filter posts, whenever that happens, I imagine tags being the most useful way of searching for an article that resonates with you. Tags will essentially serve as a quick-reference system, enabling the reader to sift through posts based on subject matter, level of technicality, or tone. For example, a post about an update for a project I am working on, could have tags like: "very-technical", "robotics", "embedded". A post about my new pink rabbit themed keyboard could have tags like: "casual", "lifestyle","keyboard".

Feedback is Welcomed

Obviously, none of my posts will be perfect and I don't expect myself to produce content that will cover all the subject matter necessary to fully understand a post. That being said, if anyone ever feels they can provide criticism, feedback, or additional insights of any kind, I am open ears — or open email I guess — so please feel free to contact me.

Blog Roadmap

There is a list of features that I hope to add to this website and blog, which seems to be growing everytime I work on it. Below are a few of the things that should be soon to come.

  • Post filtering
  • A comment section
  • A login system
  • A way to subscribe to the blog

And again, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

So it Begins...

While right now this blog lacks any real content, I hope to change that soon. I have a few ideas for posts that I'm excited to write, and I'm sure I'll think of more as I go. I'm eager to share, to learn, and to connect with others.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post! If you find yourself returning, or maybe even waiting for what comes next, I'll consider this mission a success.

Until next post. — Tristan Lee.